Celebrate The Make-A-Wish World Wish Day
April 29 is a time to celebrate the 33rd Annual Make-A-Wish World Wish Day. Since 1980, Make-A-Wish has been working endlessly to grant wishes for kids all over the nation. With the help of so many generous donors and volunteers, Make-A-Wish is able to grant the wishes of nearly 14,000 children each year! With the help of these amazing individuals, Make-A-Wish “wish children” are able to feel hope, strength, and joy once again.
Decide How You Will Contribute To Wish Granting
There are so many ways to grant wishes for local children, and Make-A-Wish especially needs your help on World Wish Day. Since nearly 75 percent of children’s wishes require air travel, a donation of airline miles is extremely important to Make-A-Wish and the children who are wishing to travel to their dream destinations. Each year, around 50,000 airline tickets, or 2.5 billion airline miles (equal to $37.5 million) are needed to send Make-A-Wish “wish children” and their families to dream locations.
When you donate your airline miles to Make-A-Wish or make a general donation to your local Make-A-Wish chapter, you can help make a difference in the life of a child in your community. When you donate airline miles, you can choose how many miles you wish to donate. When you make a general donation, you can choose which Make-A-Wish chapter you would like to donate to. This gives you the opportunity to make a donation that will stay in your community, or even your home town!
Alternately, you can start your own fundraiser for World Wish Day to benefit Make-A-Wish. Just make your own Make-A-Wish fundraising account and get started today!
So Many Wishes To Grant
Travel is so important to Make-A-Wish “wish children” and a child may wish to see their favorite Disney characters at Walt Disney World, or maybe even swim with the dolphins at Dolphin Dove. A trip to Busch Gardens or Universal Studios might also be a pick for a child looking for some adventure. Your donation could also allow a child to build sandcastles in Hawaii or tour the White House and meet the President! You can play a part in making these wishes a reality.
Help make World Wish Day a success and you will be glad you did.
Donate A Vehicle
If you are looking for another way to give back to your community and help out on World Wish Day, consider donating a car, truck, SUV, RV, motorcycle, or boat to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish. Your vehicle donation will help grant wishes for a local child in your community. Find your local Make-A-Wish chapter today and make your vehicle donation online or by calling us at 1-855-278-9474. Either way is easy and only takes a few moments of your time.
Donating a vehicle is beneficial in many ways, and not only does it benefit a local child in your community, but it also contributes to the green movement. Vehicles are either auctioned off to new owners or they are recycled and reused. Vehicles never go to waste when they are donated to Wheels For Wishes, and you also get a great tax deduction at tax time. Wheels For Wishes is a win-win for all, but most importantly, it helps make World Wish Day extra special for Make-A-Wish “wish kids”. You can personally play a part in helping to grant wishes for local kids!