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Take Action On World Food Day 2015

October 16, 2015

Food is something that many of us take for granted on a daily basis. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, approximately 1.3 billion tons of food get lost or wasted every year. That’s equal to roughly one third of the food produced for human consumption each year! In the United States alone, 30 percent of all food is thrown away each year. About half of the water used to produce this food also goes to waste. These reasons alone are why World Food Day is so important. World Food Day is a day of action against hunger, and you can help out by getting involved in the cause. 

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Wheels For Wishes supports the green movement through our vehicle recycling program. We work to keep vehicles out of landfills by recycling and reusing unwanted or unneeded vehicles, and using the earned proceeds to benefit local Make-A-Wish chapters. Since we’re always in support of the green movement, we also like to jump on board with national events such as World Food Day. You can get involved too!

This year on Oct. 16, you can take a stand against world hunger by joining in and spreading awareness and reducing the food waste that you and your household produces. This year’s World Food Day will be centered on social protection and agriculture, and breaking the cycle of rural poverty.  

Take part in some of these suggested World Food Day ideas:

  • Host a dinner

  • Organize and plan a meal packaging event

  • Attend a Hunger Walk

  • Collect signatures for a petition to end world hunger

  • Take the Zero Hunger Challenge Commitment

  • Plan a FEED Supper

  • Take the HungerU Challenge quiz

  • Spread the word and use #WFD2015

How You Can Reduce Food Waste

There are several things that you can do right away to reduce food waste. Try some of these tips if you’re looking for ways to reduce food waste in your household:

  • Meal plan at the beginning of each week to ensure that when you go grocery shopping, you are only buying the things that you will be use.

  • Before unused fresh fruits and vegetables have a chance to go bad, donate them to a food shelf.

  • Use unneeded fresh fruits and vegetables in smoothies or prepare smoothie packs ahead of time and freeze them. 

  • Freeze any refrigerated meats or dairy products before their expiration dates.

  • Treat food expiration and sell-by dates as guidelines, and use your own judgement. Don’t throw food away just because you’ve reached the expiration or sell-by date.

  • Don’t over-serve food. You can always go back for seconds!

  • Buy BPA-free food storage containers and keep them in an organized cupboard so they are easily accessible.

  • Save money by eating leftovers for lunches or use leftover dinners to prepare new meals for the next evening.

  • Start a compost bin for everything from food scraps, eggshells, yard waste, flowers, coffee grounds, and tea leaves. You can also compost meat, bones, and fish scraps.

  • Before foods can expire, donate any unwanted canned goods or prepackaged foods to food shelves.

  • Keep a log of the foods that you throw out and when, so you can refer to this as a reminder.

  • Try canning and pickling foods.

Get Involved In The Green Movement

If you’re looking to get involved in the green movement even further, consider recycling your car through Wheels For Wishes. Call us at 1-855-278-9474 or fill out our online car donation form and we’ll be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Going green and World Food Day often go hand-in-hand. The green movement is about reducing waste, recycling, reusing, and making smarter, more environmentally-conscious choices. You can get started by taking part in World Food Day 2015. An excellent way to get involved in the green movement is through the food choices you make and the new habits that you create. You can take a stand against hunger by reducing food waste on a regular basis!

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