Donating A Car To Charity Can Be The Perfect Way To Begin Random Acts Of Kindness Week
This year during Random Acts of Kindness Week, donate your car to benefit your local Make-A-Wish Chapter. Not only will you help to grant the wish of a child in your community, but your car donation will give you the same great feeling that conducting any act of kindness would. Plus, you get a great tax deduction for your kind efforts!
This Feb. 10-16, do something kind for a child in your community and donate your car. Car donations play a huge part in the wish granting process. Make-A-Wish relies on generous individuals like you to volunteer or donate. Your help is needed!
Brighten Someone’s Life This Random Acts Of Kindness Week
If you don’t have a vehicle to donate during Random Acts of Kindness Week, consider some of our other ideas for making someone’s day! As quoted by Aesop, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Even something as simple as a smile can turn someone’s day around.
This year, maybe you will:
Be kinder to the earth! Don’t waste anything for a day, week, or however long you wish. Use only reusable materials (such as water bottles, eatery, bags, etc.). Remember, car donation is also green and eco-friendly!
Take a trip to an animal shelter and play with the animals and help care for them.
Have a lemonade stand (or another idea you decide on), but don’t charge for it. Or, charge and collect money for charity.
Bring a grandparent or elderly neighbor a batch of homemade cookies, but don’t rush off. Sit and visit with them for a while.
Call a relative that you haven’t spoken to in a while, especially if you know they could use the company.
If standing in line at the check-out, purchase an item for someone else in line.
In line at a coffee shop, pay for another person in line. Maybe they will take that opportunity to pay for the next person in line.
Buy a package of cupcakes, ring a random person’s doorbell, and then leave before they can see you.
Buy a pre-paid gas card, and give it to someone you think deserves it.
Hold open the door for someone. It’s simple, yet makes them feel good.
If you see a homeless person outside in the cold, bring them warm mittens or a new hat.
Thank everyone you see that is doing some kind of service to make your life easier, whether it’s a mailman, driver, maintenance worker, etc.
Help someone shovel their driveway.
Tell each important person in your life that you are thankful to have them in your life.
Be friendly on the road. Let someone go ahead of you and forget the road rage for a few days.
Take someone out to dinner who hasn’t been out in a while, whether it’s a parent, grandparent, elderly neighbor, or a friend.
Similar to a May Day basket, make a basket filled with Valentine’s Candy and top it off with a gift card to a local grocery store. February is all about giving!
Visit a nursing home and spend time with the residents. Or, do the same at a hospital.
Volunteer your time to an organization of your choice. Alternately, make a donation to any organization or donate material items.
Help out with chores around the house. Offer to cook dinner, clean up, or do both!
Remember to smile and say “hi” to people.
Use social network to write inspirational quotes, messages about kindness, or share cute photos that will brighten people’s days.
Go out to lunch by yourself, and when you see another person sitting alone, offer to sit with them.
On a similar note, go out to lunch by yourself, but tell the waiter you are going to pick up the tab for another person who is sitting alone. They may never even know who covered their meal, but they will feel great.
Help carry groceries and load or unload their car.
In line at a drive through, pay for the car’s order behind you.
Have a sale and donate the proceeds to charity.
Tip big when you go out.
Deliver Valentine’s cards to random people all week long.
Bake heart-shaped cookies and bring them into work.
If it looks like a person needs help, help them cross the street or help them get to where they need to go.
Write your own list of Random Acts of Kindness and check them off the list as you go!
How will you make a difference this year during Random Acts of Kindness Week? Let us know by leaving us a message on our Facebook or Twitter pages. We would love to hear your kind ideas!
For even more ideas, please visit the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation’s Kindness Ideas page.
Be Kind To A Child Battling A Life-Threatening Medical Condition. Donate Your Car
If you have a vehicle to donate, please call us at 1-855-278-9474 or fill out our vehicle donation form. Your donation makes a difference! Plus, it’s easy to donate! Cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, or campers – they can all make a difference in the life of a child. Car donation is something you will feel great about.
Whether donating a car this Random Acts of Kindness Week or you choose to partake in any other kind events, you will make a difference in the lives of others!