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March 24, 2014
Lace Your Shoes For A Trio Of Trail Runs In Illinois

Spring is a great time to get back outside and get healthy, although some people have been doing more of that through the cold and snow of winter than others. One way to jump-start your spring fitness program is to take part in the races at Allerton Trails the weekend of April 4. Not only can you help yourself feel better, you can help Make-A-Wish Illinois at the same time.

The Allerton Trails Half-Marathon, 10K and Trail-Glo 5K races take place at Robert Allerton Park in Monticello. The Trail-Glo 5K kicks off the weekend’s festivities on Friday, April 3. Starting at 8:30 p.m., runners get to experience Allerton after dark and see the park in a whole new light! This year is the first year of the Trail-Glo 5K race, which will start and end near the park’s visitor center. There will be illuminated trail markings under the moon-lit sky. You'll also pass right through the Sunken Garden, Chinese Musicians, Rodin's Adam, and more, as you make your way to a finish area full of surprises, including s'mores and music. This race is also a celebration of Saturday's race volunteers (who can run the 5K for free), and the perfect warm-up for all running enthusiasts who want to come back on April 4.

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March 21, 2014
Donate A Car To Charity To Help With Spring Cleaning

It is that time of year again, when the snow has started to melt and blades of grass are finally making their way into the open. The cold temperature that helped you to put-off cleaning and organizing your garage, house and lawn is being replaced with comfortable and temperate weather, and excuses are running short. It is spring cleaning time. You might be looking around your house and wondering what you are going to do with all of the items that have been stacking up, but don’t worry too much: A garage sale in May should take care of most of those items.

Then, there is that used car in your driveway. Before the winter it was fine, but it has been an especially rough and cold winter throughout the United States, and your car has taken the brunt of that damage. One solution to the old-car-blues is car donation.

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March 20, 2014
News Stories That Will Put A Smile On Your Face

News stories these past few weeks have contained images of war, hunger and political discord. It is easy to get lost in these harsh articles and forget all of the positive things that are taking place around us. Everyone is capable of doing or witnessing something amazing, and with technology advancing at a spectacular pace, it has become easier to catch these moments on camera. So, instead of focusing on the negative, here are some of the most positive stories to come out of March 2014 so far.

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March 17, 2014
Happy St. Patricks Day In America

Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, which is why it is one of the most celebrated holidays in the United States! In Chicago, they dye their river green, parades are held in Boston and Minneapolis, and green beer is enjoyed in every major city throughout the country. Originally, the holiday was held in honor of Saint Patrick, a Christian Bishop who helped to spread Christianity in Ireland. Feasts were held in his honor in Ireland, and as more of the Irish settled outside Ireland, the feast spread too. Now, more than eleven countries celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in some way. The International Space Station has even celebrated St. Patrick’s Day 220 miles above the Earth!

St. Patrick’s Day has grown from its religious foundation to become a celebration of Ireland and the Irish culture. Green decorations are hung from walls in offices, homes, schools and local pubs in celebration of the March 17 holiday. A great break from the winter blues, St. Patrick’s Day is the perfect opportunity to dress in your brightest green outfit and enjoy life.

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March 14, 2014
Ten Childrens Books That Can Make A Flight Feel Shorter

Wish Kids often travel to fun places across the United States and all over the world. A child’s wish can take them to places like San Francisco, Hawaii and New York. One of the most popular destinations for the children of Make-A-Wish is Disney World in sunny Orlando. Wish Kids love meeting their favorite Disney characters, riding their favorite rides and enjoying a day out in the sun with their family.

Donations from everyday people make these trips possible. Whether you are donating a car or donating airline miles, you can make it easier to grant a wish for a child in need. Once a child has been selected and their trip is planned, they are able to fly with their family to their favorite destination. A long flight can be boring, and can seem even longer when anticipating an exciting new adventure. One of the best ways to pass the time as a Wish Kid is to read a book. We have put together a list of some classic children’s books that Wish Kids love, and your kids can enjoy as well!

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March 12, 2014
Why Car Donation Charities Are Worth Supporting

When you think of trading in a vehicle for something new, car donation may not always cross you mind. Instead, you may choose to sell the vehicle to a new owner or you may choose to trade the vehicle in after buying a new vehicle from a dealership. While these can be beneficial options, they also include the hassle of meeting with potential buyers, spending time and money on car repairs, or haggling over a sales price. Why deal with these annoyances when you don’t have to? Instead, donate cars to charity and save yourself the headache.

When you donate cars to charity, specifically Wheels For Wishes, you can help to grant the wish of a local child in your community. Wheels For Wishes is a vehicle donation program benefiting Make-A-Wish and when you donate a car, truck, boat, SUV, RV, or motorcycle to Wheels For Wishes, that donation benefits your local Make-A-Wish chapter. Donated vehicles are either recycled or reused to build new vehicles or auctioned off for new owners to use. Earned proceeds from donated automobiles are used to benefit Make-A-Wish, and help to grant the wish of local children.

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March 6, 2014
March Is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

While colorectal cancer in children is usually rare and occurs in about one in 1 million children, it is often part of an inherited syndrome that causes the disease. Inherited conditions such as Lynch syndrome, Cowden syndrome, Turcot syndrome, Familial adenomatous polyposis, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Juvenile polyposis syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis, or MYH-associate polyposis increases the risk of a child developing colon cancer during childhood.

Colorectal cancer is the third most frequent cancer in adult men and the second most common cancer in adult women, but there are generally less than 100 cases of colorectal cancer in children who are under the age of 20. However, colorectal cancer in children is possible, and the entire month of March is meant to spread awareness about colorectal cancer so that people of all ages can be aware of the signs and symptoms of the disease.

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March 2, 2014
Celebrate Dr. Seuss? Birthday With These Inspiring Quotes

Dr. Seuss has inspired generations of children to be great through his writing and personal ambition. As a writer, he stood for what he believed in even in the face of tremendous adversity. Today, his writing is still used to teach lessons and is enjoyed by young and old. On March 2, the world will celebrate this historic man’s birthday by looking back at his written work and remembering the lessons he taught.

Reading Dr. Seuss is a great way to expand the imagination of a child and can even inspire some adults. We have put together some of our favorite inspirational quotes by Dr. Seuss in celebration of his birthday!

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February 17, 2014
Enjoy 25 Unique Presidential Facts For Presidents Day

The presidents have been as unique and quirky as any other person you’ve ever met – sometimes even more strange! They just happen to be holding one of the most powerful positions in the world. Once a year, we celebrate these individuals along with the things they’ve done and the sacrifices they made to make America what it is today.

Presidents Day is Feb. 17 this year, and is special because it will be celebrated on our first president, George Washington’s birthday. All across the nation, from Washington, D.C. to Oakland, people will be celebrating our nation’s history. Here at Wheels For Wishes, we’ve put together a list of 25 unique facts you might not have known about your nation’s leaders.

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February 13, 2014
Make Valentine's Day A Green Celebration

What better way is there to show the person that you love how important they are to you than by making the world a better place for them to live? Changing the world doesn’t always have to involve some big gesture. Even the smallest changes can make a huge impact. 

Maintaining the planet is another great way to make the world a better place. Once again, it doesn’t take grand gestures to clean up the world. Every person conserving just a little will go a long way in making the world a little more eco-friendly. You can start this Valentine’s Day by going on a green date! Do something that will last, by not leaving a scar on Mother Earth.

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February 10, 2014
Donating A Car To Charity Can Be The Perfect Way To Begin Random Acts Of Kindness Week

This year during Random Acts of Kindness Week, donate your car to benefit your local Make-A-Wish Chapter. Not only will you help to grant the wish of a child in your community, but your car donation will give you the same great feeling that conducting any act of kindness would. Plus, you get a great tax deduction for your kind efforts!

This Feb. 10-16, do something kind for a child in your community and donate your car. Car donations play a huge part in the wish granting process. Make-A-Wish relies on generous individuals like you to volunteer or donate. Your help is needed!

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February 7, 2014
Want To Help Make-A-Wish? Donate Your Car Or Get Involved In Other Ways

On average, Make-A-Wish is responsible for granting the wishes of deserving kids every 38 minutes. Children with critical illnesses are given the opportunity to experience their greatest wishes come true. Wishes play a part in enriching the human spirit and help to bring hope, strength, and joy back into the life of a child.

Thanks to the help of many generous donors and volunteers, Make-A-Wish is able to send children on their dream vacations to swim with dolphins in Hawaii, or even to Walt Disney World in Florida. Whatever a child wishes, Make-A-Wish sees that it happens. Still, your help is needed!

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January 31, 2014
Celebrate A Green Super Bowl Sunday

Nearly 50 percent of people with televisions watched the Super Bowl last year. Even for people who dislike football, it has become a tradition to click on the game, sit down with friends and mock or admire the commercials. If you are planning to host a Super Bowl party this year, there are ways to have a great party while also remaining eco-friendly! Don’t turn your back on Mother Earth just to impress your friends. Make an effort to throw a green Super Bowl party this year.

If you’d like to keep green and throw an eco-friendly Super Bowl party, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Wheels For Wishes, we promote living a green life every day. When you donate a vehicle to Wheels For Wishes, it is recycled, helping the planet and children of Make-A-Wish. A donation to Wheels For Wishes helps children in Rapid City, Burlington, Billings, and your community too! Proceeds from every vehicle that is donated benefit Make-A-Wish and help to make wishes come true. Here are some tips for making your Super Bowl party green:

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January 31, 2014
Learn Where To Donate A Car To Charity For Freedom Day

National Freedom Day was established in 1948 to remind the citizens of America why the country was originally formed. National Freedom Day is a symbol of freedom for all people and is celebrated annually on Feb. 1. It was specifically created to celebrate freedom from slavery and represent America’s unending quest to be a symbol of freedom in the world.

Many residents throughout the nation will celebrate National Freedom Day with town festivals and activities. Other citizens celebrate National Freedom Day by honoring those individuals who have made contributions to their community and the world as a whole. The wreath-laying ceremony at the Liberty Bell has been a staple in the Freedom Day celebration annually, and many look forward to watching the ceremony live, or on television, in celebration of the day.

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January 30, 2014
Donate Your Car To Make A Difference This Groundhog Day

Weather forecasters have already predicted a long, cold and snowy winter, but if you aren’t the type to believe everything you hear, you might be waiting to see what the groundhog does Sunday, Feb. 2. According to folklore, if the groundhog leaves its burrow on Feb. 2 and doesn’t see its shadow, spring will begin early. If the groundhog sees its shadow, it will rush back into its burrow and there will be six more weeks of winter.

People have been looking for the groundhog’s shadow annually for more than 150 years. The celebration began in Pennsylvania and has captivated audiences throughout the United States. Still, the largest Groundhog Day celebration takes place in Punxsutawney, Penn., where Punxsutawney Phil decides the fate of winter in the town. The city celebrates with food, music, dancing and festivals – along with celebratory speeches and skits.

The official first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere won’t come until almost seven weeks after Groundhog Day, regardless of whether or not Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow. But, that won’t stop people from looking to Phil to see whether or not they can take out their short sleeve t-shirts and shorts for the upcoming warmer weather.

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January 24, 2014
Why Car Recycling Is One Of The Best Ways To Live Eco-Friendly

Recycling a vehicle involves dismantling a vehicle for spare parts at the end of their life. Once a vehicle has stopped working properly, it is broken down and used for spare parts. The process of breaking a vehicle down can be complicated, since there are many different parts – including some hazardous material that must be removed.

To start the recycling process, recyclers will usually start the engine (if the engine starts at all) to find any leaks there might be. After the recycler has recorded all of the parts on the vehicle, they will then drain all fluids from the car (i.e. motor oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, antifreeze, etc.) and store those fluids in the proper area. Other remaining hazardous materials will then be removed, like the battery and propellant for the air bags. Once all products and reusable items from the car are removed, the vehicle is crushed and recycled at a metal recycling facility. The old parts can be used to create new cars, or used to repair cars that are still in working condition.

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January 23, 2014
Winter Is Here, Fight That Cabin Fever With These Great Winter Activities For Kids

It is easy to stay inside when the weather isn’t 72 and sunny, but getting exercise and soaking in some sun are important throughout the year. This is especially true for children – the average child should get more than one hour of exercise every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If there is more than one foot of snow outside your home that might be difficult, but there is still plenty to do throughout the winter!

Even if what your child is participating in doesn’t involve a lot of movement, just limiting the amount of time a child spends in front of a screen can have a huge impact on their physical well-being. If you are having trouble coming up with fun activities that your children can do this winter, don’t worry! We have compiled a list of fun activities for kids to do this winter.

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January 17, 2014
Ten Easy Ways To Live A More Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

If you are tired of living a wasteful lifestyle and are resolved to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle this new year, you might feel a little overwhelmed about all of the big changes in your life. Starting something new can be stressful when you are unsure where to begin. Rest assured, you have already completed the most difficult step – deciding to make a change. Focus on smaller changes you can make easily before you tackle the more difficult steps of your eco-friendly resolution. Here are some easy and small changes you can make in your everyday life to help live a more eco-friendly lifestyle:

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December 31, 2013
Make Your New Year's Eve Party A Green Party

The countdown has begun – no, not for the new year, but for the planet! We are creating more waste today than ever before in human history. Little contributions in your life can help maintain the planet we all call home. Start living a greener lifestyle at your New Year’s Eve celebration this week! Living a greener lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to change everything in your life. A small change can make a world of difference – literally!

At Wheels For Wishes, we take living a green lifestyle seriously. By taking your new, old or unwanted vehicles and recycling them, we not only help the planet, but also help the children of Make-A-Wish. A donation to Wheels For Wishes can help children in Sioux Falls, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and throughout the United States. The proceeds from every donated vehicle benefit Make-A-Wish and help wishes come true! Here are some tips for making your New Year’s Eve party green:

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December 13, 2013
Celebrate National Regifting Day With Your Car Donation

Do you have a kind aunt who, with the best of intentions, gave you pink fluffy-bunny pajamas when you were 6 instead of the Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle you had been asking for? We’ve all gotten gifts that were very nice and totally useless. That is why National Regifting Day has become so popular! National Regifting Day is an annual celebration which takes place the third Thursday in December. The third Thursday in December is also the most popular day for office holiday parties. Here at Wheels For Wishes, we would like to help you to pick out some gifts that won’t need re-gifting. Here is our list of eight eco-friendly green gifts that won’t need re-gifting and will help maintain the environment.

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CDF also runs the following programs:
Wheels for Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish®, Vehicles for Veterans benefiting disabled veterans, and Animal Car Donation benefiting animal rescue organizations.

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CDF's mission is to help these benefitting charities fulfill their missions with proceeds from CDF's car donation programs. CDF and all benefitting charities are separate and unaffiliated 501c organizations.
© 2009 - 2025 Wheels For Wishes (Car Donation Foundation)
A federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization