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May 1, 2014
Donate A Car To Help Children During National Brain Tumor And Neurofibromatosis Month

Look back on your life and remember the days of being a child and a teenager. Now put yourself in the shoes of a child battling a critical illness, such as neurofibromatosis or a brain tumor. Brain tumors are most common in children under the age of 20, males up to the age of 39, and females under the age of 20. Neurofibromatosis is usually diagnosed in childhood or early adulthood. This puts many children and young adults at risk. This is why it is so important to spread awareness during the month of May during National Brain Tumor and Neurofibromatosis Month. Start by remembering to wear a gray ribbon, which signifies brain tumors.

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April 27, 2014
Impact Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic With These Great May Events

May is a month for giving with Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic throwing some of their most exciting events of the year throughout the month. You have a chance to impact Wish Kids with your giving this May by taking part in two great events. The first will be held May 3 beginning at 6 p.m. The second event is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. May 18. By taking part in one or both of these fun Make-A-Wish events, you can help children in your community with critical illnesses receive a wish granted.

Since it was founded in 1983, Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic has granted the wishes of more than 7,800 children. Be a part of the magic this May and learn firsthand the impact a wish can have in the life of an eligible child. In 2012 alone, our partner, Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic was able to grant 445 wishes. The chapter is hoping to grant even more wishes in 2014 and your contribution could make the difference.

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April 25, 2014
Check Out These Three Fun Events To Grant Wishes In Illinois

In April and May, it’s easy to help Make-A-Wish Illinois grant wishes for local kids. If you do some spring cleaning and decide you’d like to make a car donation to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish Illinois, or choose to participate in a local fundraising event, you can make a difference in Illinois! Kids in Chicago, JolietRockfordEast Saint Louis, and Aurora will benefit from your generosity.

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April 25, 2014
Take Advantage Of Five Great New Jersey Events In May

New Jersey is bustling with excitement in anticipation of five great Make-A-Wish events that are scheduled to take place throughout the month of May. The fun starts May 3 with the Darts For Dreams Dart-A-Thon in Hamilton; Also taking place May 3 is the Bryce’s Bridge Wine Tasting in West Deptford; On May 10 enjoy the New Jersey 2014 Gala held at the Samuel & Josephine Plumeri Wishing Place; May 22 is the Rusty Classic in Hillsborough; And the final May event will be held May 25 in North Haledon.

Take advantage of these exciting and diverse Make-A-Wish events to help grant the wishes of children in your New Jersey Community. Since 1983, our partner, Make-A-Wish New Jersey, has provided wishes for 7,400 children with critical illnesses throughout all of New Jersey. Volunteers spend countless hours to ensure that every wish is as unique as a Wish Kid. You can be a part of the Make-A-Wish experience by taking part in these great May events.

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April 22, 2014
Enjoy Earth Day With Worms In Dirt

Teaching children the importance of keeping the Earth green and healthy is important for the future of the world. Earth Day is a special celebration which promotes green tips and sustainable living. Earth day is celebrated April 22, and became an official United States Holiday in 1970. On the very first Earth Day, more than 20 million people gathered in the streets to protest the industrial revolution. Since then, April 22 has marked a day when families come together to collect garbage, plant trees, clean up beaches, teach one another about living green and sign petitions to promote a better future for the planet. Since 1990, the holiday has been recognized worldwide. Huge projects take place each year, including a 100,000 person bike ride on Earth Day in 2012 in China, and more than 28 million trees being planted in Afghanistan on Earth Day in 2011.

There are plenty of ways to promote Earth Day and teach your children about the importance of protecting the planet. Many families will plant a tree in their yard for each child and watch them grow along with their children. One of our favorite ways to celebrate Earth Day here at Wheels For Wishes is by making Worms In Dirt!

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April 22, 2014
Support Make-A-Wish Wisconsin By Attending The Merrill Lynch Grand Gala

Plans are in place for the eighth annual Merrill Lynch Grand Gala. The Merrill Lynch Grand Gala offers a great opportunity for wish supporters in Wisconsin to come together to make wishes possible in MilwaukeeGreen BayMadison, and all across Wisconsin. Registration is open now. You can get your tickets today by contacting Nicole Williams, Madison Regional Director, at 608-252-4321. Doors open at the Gordon Event Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus at 5:30 p.m. on May 2. Sponsorship opportunities are also available at the gala. Check out the Grand Gala Table Host packet to choose a plan that works best for you.

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April 17, 2014
Support Car Donation Charities On World Wish Day

Make-A-Wish World Wish Day is April 29, and there are plenty of ways for you to get involved and make wishes come true, with car donation among one of the easiest and most beneficial. When you donate a vehicle to car donation charities such as Wheels For Wishes, you can help to grant the wishes of children all over the United States. Wheels For Wishes works with Make-A-Wish chapters around the country and vehicle donations can be picked up or towed away nearly anywhere. Find your local chapter and donate a car today.

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April 15, 2014
Get A Tax Day Deduction For Your Car Donation

The IRS tax-filing deadline is Tuesday, April 15, and if you donated your vehicle to Wheels For Wishes last year, you are eligible for a tax deduction. Donating a car to charity is a great way to receive a tax deduction. If you have a vehicle and are looking to donate it this year, know that Wheels For Wishes makes getting your car donation tax deduction easy. All you have to do is give us a call at [chapter_phone] and we will take care of the rest. We can take your vehicle even if it isn’t in working condition.

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April 13, 2014
Celebrating Thomas Jeffersons Birthday With Wish Kids

On April 13 we will celebrate the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers and authors of the Declaration of Independence. He believed, like many of us, that the right attitude can make all of the difference in life. He is quoted as saying: “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Here at Wheels For Wishes, we believe that the wishes granted through Make-A-Wish can help change a child’s outlook and positively affect their treatment. That is why we are so passionate about our car donation charity. Whenever you choose to donate your car, you are also choosing to help a child with a critical illness! This can help change a child’s life through the granting of a wish.

Jefferson knew a lot about working toward a goal and the influence a positive attitude can have toward achieving that goal. He is still remembered today as one of the most important historical figures in American history. We have gathered some facts about Jefferson that will help you to better understand our famous founding father.

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April 7, 2014
April 7-13 Is National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week

Cancer can happen to people of all ages, children and young adults included. The week of April 7-13 is meant to spread awareness about different types of cancers in young adults. National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week was launched in 2003 by Vital Options International and takes place annually on the first Monday in April and lasts for one full week. This year, consider donating a car to charity to benefit young adults with critical illnesses. Your donation benefits Make-A-Wish and could grant a wish for a child up to the age of 18.

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April 4, 2014
Grant Springtime Wishes For New York Or New Jersey Wish Kids In April

The month of April is filled with exciting Make-A-Wish events all around the United States. If you live in the northeastern part of the United States, there are three fun-filled events just around the corner benefiting Make-A-Wish Metro and Western New York and Make-A-Wish New Jersey.

Choose from Make-A-Wish Metro and Western New York’s A Night At The Sands event on April 9, or the Make-A-Wish New Jersey Sparkle Shine Fashion Divine event on April 14, or the Make-A-Wish New Jersey Touch-A-Truck Extravaganza. By participating in any of these three events, you can help to grant wishes for your local Make-A-Wish!

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April 4, 2014
Two Walks For Wishes To Benefit Orange County Kids

What’s better than taking a long walk in the beautiful spring air? When you can raise money for a worthy cause while doing it! Walk For Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish Orange County and the Inland Empire takes place on two different weekends: Saturday, April 12, at Castle Park in Riverside, and Saturday, April 26, at Orange County Great Park in Irvine. All of the proceeds from the walks will benefit Make-A-Wish Orange County and the Inland Empire. The money raised will help pay for the wishes of children with critical illnesses.

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April 2, 2014
How To Donate A Car

When a car stalls or no longer runs, one of the toughest decisions can be deciding what to do with the vehicle. Do you pay for car repairs to fix it, or do you try to sell it? When upgrading a vehicle to a different make or model, it can be a pain to trade the current vehicle in or haggle over a sales price with a potential buyer. Getting rid of a vehicle is never easy, unless you make the generous decision to donate it to Wheels For Wishes. Donating a vehicle to Wheels For Wishes is easy, hassle-free, and saves you time and money!

Wheels For Wishes makes the most out of each and every car donation, even if a vehicle no longer runs! If you sell or trade in your car, you may have to pay for vehicle repairs before selling it, but Wheels For Wishes accepts most vehicles, no matter the condition. Wheels For Wishes either auctions off vehicles for new owners to use, or vehicles are recycled and reused to build new vehicles. This makes vehicle donation green and eco-friendly too! Not only is car donation easy, but it’s easy to contribute to the green movement.

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March 31, 2014
Frequent Flyer Miles Can Help Wishes Come True In South Carolina

Did you know that more than 74 percent of the wishes from children in South Carolina involve travel? The busiest travel time for Make-A-Wish is coming right around the corner with summer break, and there are ways to help.

Make-A-Wish relies on frequent flyer miles to help Wish Kids – and their families – travel to their destinations. One way to help is to donate your frequent flyer miles to Make-A-Wish South Carolina. Donated miles never expire and you can help transform the life of a child with a critical illness.

Simply fill out a Delta, United or US Airways form and your miles will be donated. You can also help by:

  • Hosting a drive for frequent flyer miles at your workplace

  • Asking your employer to donate miles

  • Hosting a banner or badge on your blog or website.

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March 28, 2014
April Is National Cancer Control Month

To raise cancer awareness and prevent cancer in children and adults, April is Cancer Control Month. While most cancers can be effectively diagnosed through early screening, many cancers do not show signs or symptoms until they enter the later stages, so it can be tough to know when to get screened. Thankfully, the month of April is a great time to spread cancer awareness and get screened, even if you don’t already have signs or symptoms. For children, however, it is important that they eat healthy and stay active to prevent future disease.

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March 28, 2014
Great Wish Ball To Raise Money For Arizona Kids

Make-A-Wish Arizona’s 2013 Rat Pack Wish Ball raised $2.4 million and hosted 470 guests last year. The upcoming Great Wish Ball offers another opportunity to give back and help the chapter that helped found Make-A-Wish in 1980. The ball, which celebrates the mission of Make-A-Wish Arizona by raising funds to grant the wishes of Arizona children with critical illnesses, has long been a significant event for the chapter.

This year’s Great Wish Ball black-tie gala is on April 5 at The Phoenician (6000 Camelback Road, Scottsdale), from 6-11 p.m. The Wish Ball includes a program, silent and live auction and entertainment for guests, as well as bringing together donors with wish families and wish kids who attend as guests of Make-A-Wish Arizona.

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March 27, 2014
A Spoonful Of Sugar Makes Wishes Come True For Make-A-Wish Wisconsin

We all know how sweet and delicious a spoonful of sugar can taste, but did you know that it can also help to grant wishes? At Make-A-Wish Wisconsin’s Spoonful of Sugar Wish Night event, more than 60 Wish Kids will have their wishes granted after one amazing night. How sweet is that? Wishes provide children with hope and strength and are sometimes just what a child needs to help them feel like a kid again.

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March 27, 2014
Hit The Red Carpet In Style And Help Make Wishes Come True

Don’t miss out on your chance to walk the red carpet at The Fifth Annual Wishmaker’s Ball in Tampa, Florida taking place Saturday, March 29. You can take part in this glamorous night – tickets start at $150, or host a table for 10 for $2,000. Doors open at 7 p.m. at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay with cocktails and a silent auction. Stick around following your dinner and entertainment for the after party at the lobby bar from 11 p.m. until 2 a.m.

Throughout the evening guests will have the opportunity to bid on a number of live auction and silent auction items. Guests will also have the opportunity to meet Wish Kids and their families throughout the evening. Experience how it feels to share the power of a wish at the Fifth Annual Wishmaker’s Ball in Tampa! There are still some sponsorship opportunities available, check them out or sign up to be a sponsor here.

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March 24, 2014
Benefit Make-A-Wish By Taking Part In The ASPA 5th Annual Golf Event

While most of the rest of the county is still digging their cars out of snow banks and wearing heavy jackets to combat the cold, down in Arizona the golf courses have been well-groomed and are ready for tee-off. Now, the Arizona State Physicians Association is offering Arizonans of all ages the opportunity to enjoy a nice morning on the course while fundraising for our partner, Make-A-Wish Arizona. This will be the 5th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Star Fire Golf Club (formerly: Scottsdale Country Club) on 11500 North Hayden Road in Scottsdale.

The event will take place Saturday, March 29 with registration at 6:45 a.m. The tournament will begin with a shotgun start sending golfers to holes throughout the course at 8 a.m. Following the golf portion of the morning, lunch will be provided and awards will be handed out along with a raffle drawing and silent auction.

There are five different sponsorship options for the golf tournament, so choose whichever works best for you! You can take part as an individual golfer for just $110; become a Silver Sponsor, which includes one tee sign, tournament registration for a foursome and 10 raffle tickets at just $600; Bar Sponsorship, which is $700 based on 100 golfers; Breakfast Sponsorship, which is $700 based on 100 golfers; or become a Gold Sponsor for $1,200 and receive tournament registration for two foursomes, tee sign, tee table and 20 raffle tickets.

In addition to enjoying a great morning on the golf course, golfers could also win an Audi or Mercedes car, 50-inch HDTV, iPod Touch and gift card or a new set of Ping golf clubs if they can manage to score a hole-in-one on the course. Other prizes will be handed out for longest drive, putting contests, closest to the pin and longest putt! Register your team or as an individual today!

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March 24, 2014
Walk For Wishes In Ft. Myers To Help South Florida Kids

The 4th annual Walk For Wishes Collier/Lee is more than just a chance to get out and get exercise. You can help Make-A-Wish Southern Florida make wishes come true. Last year's event raised more than $40,000, enough money to grant more than eight wishes.

Register For Walk For Wishes Today

You can join in the fun! This year's Collier/Lee event takes place at the Florida Gulf Coast University recreation field, 10501 FGCU Blvd. South, in Fort Myers on April 4. Registration at the event starts at 7:30 a.m., with the walk beginning at 8:30 a.m. The Family Fun Day festivities begin at 9 a.m.

Participate as an individual or get together with family, friends and colleagues to form a team. After you complete the 5K course, you can enjoy Family Fun Day activities. If you're running in the event, you can pick up your timing chip at registration.

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Excellent 9.3 out of 10
CDF also runs the following programs:
Wheels for Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish®, Vehicles for Veterans benefiting disabled veterans, and Animal Car Donation benefiting animal rescue organizations.

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CDF's mission is to help these benefitting charities fulfill their missions with proceeds from CDF's car donation programs. CDF and all benefitting charities are separate and unaffiliated 501c organizations.
© 2009 - 2025 Wheels For Wishes (Car Donation Foundation)
A federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization