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May 8, 2016
10 Fun Ways To Celebrate Mother's Day

Moms do so much for their families on a daily basis. From cooking meals to scheduling events and chauffeuring kids, moms wear a lot of hats. It's easy to take these things for granted, but Mother's Day serves as the perfect reminder to say "thank you." Gifts can be thoughtful and heartfelt, but making memories together can often be a lot more meaningful. Even if you are getting your mom a gift, doing a family activity together can make the day even more special. 

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May 5, 2016
Surprising Facts About Cinco De Mayo

In the United States, we often assume that Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico’s Independence Day. That is not true. Sept. 16 is actually Mexico’s Independence Day, and Mexico won its independence before the date of May 5, 1862, the day that Cinco de Mayo actually commemorates. Cinco de Mayo is actually a significant holiday in the United States to celebrate a relatively insignificant battle between the French Army of Napoleon III and Mexican President Benito Juarez’s resistance. The victory over the French army by a ragtag team of fighters possibly helped to save the American Union. 

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May 3, 2016
May Is National Asthma And Allergy Awareness Month

May is the peak season for spring allergens, which is why the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) has declared it to be National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. More than 26 million Americans suffer from asthma, including 6.3 million children. Not only does spring weather make asthma attacks more common, it's also when pollen and seeds are released, causing spring allergies in millions of people. 

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April 29, 2016
Help Make-A-Wish Illinois Celebrate Their 30th Annual Wish Ball

The Illinois Wish Ball is one of Chicago's premier fundraising events. You can be a part of this wonderful event, taking place May 21 at Navy Pier. More than 900 people attended last year's event, raising more than $2 million for Make-A-Wish Illinois. This year's event will be even more special, as it is the Wish Ball's 30th anniversary. 

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April 23, 2016
Join Make-A-Wish In North Texas During The 20th Annual Wish Night

This year is sure to be a very special event for the 20th Annual Wish Night of Make-A-Wish North Texas, presented by Helzberg Diamonds. Since it began in 1997, Wish Night has raised more than $14 million and granted more than 1,875 wishes. Last year alone, Wish night raised $1.63 million for wishes. This year, the goal is to break this record at $1.7 million raised.

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April 22, 2016
22 Ways To Get In The Habit Of Being Green

When you keep the planet in mind as you shop, do home improvements, travel or eat, you're not just helping Mother Earth. Many eco-friendly actions are also beneficial for your own health and they help you save money in the long run. Most environmentally-friendly decisions don't have to be expensive or take a lot of time. In fact, small changes can have a bigger impact than you might expect when you form green habits.

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April 16, 2016
Celebrate National Infant Immunization Week By Spreading The Word

Since 1994, the last week in April has been celebrated as National Infant Immunizations Week in the United States. This year National Infant Immunization Week is held from April 16-23, the same week as World Immunization Week. The World Health Organization promotes in all of its six regions access to universal vaccination and international cooperation. NIIW serves many purposes, including as a call to action for all parents and healthcare providers to continue the use of vaccinations with children, to share information about protecting our kids in order to keep healthy and safe communities, and to celebrate the importance of vaccinating infants from preventable diseases.

There have been many achievements due to vaccinations. For example:

  • Infants and kids are now protected from 14 vaccine-preventable diseases before their second birthday.
  • In the 1950s, nearly every child contracted measles, and some even died from it. It’s a serious disease. Today, many physicians who have been practicing for many years have never seen a case of measles.
  • Children born between 1994 and 2013 who received vaccinations will prevent around 322 million illnesses, 21 million hospitalizations, and 732,000 deaths during the course of their lives. 
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April 14, 2016
Walk Or Race To Help Grant Wishes In San Diego

Make-A-Wish San Diego is holding two events this spring that you won't want to miss: a Walk For Wishes on April 23 and the Amazing Race for Children's Wishes on May 14. Both events are fun and active ways to get outside and help raise funds to grant wishes. 

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April 11, 2016
Seven Ways To Get Great Tax Deductions

Well, Tax Day is coming up on Monday, April 18th! That means that it is the deadline for filing IRS tax returns. If you donated to your car to Wheels for Wishes in 2015, you can use our car donation tax deduction calculator to estimate your deduction. You have not only earned a tax deduction; thanks to your vehicle donation, you have done something great for the environment and helped local children who really needed your support.

You can also prepare for next year’s tax season if you donate your car in 2016. We it easy to donate your car using our online form. You can also call us at [chapter_phone]

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April 10, 2016
5 Ways To Make A Difference During National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week was created in 1974 to inspire more people to give back to their communities and find creative ways to get involved. Over the years, the movement has grown into a national celebration of community service and the volunteers who strive to improve the lives of others. If you're looking for ways to get involved this week, try one of these five great ways to make difference.

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April 8, 2016
Walk So Kids Can Wish In Tampa Bay

The 3rd Annual Tech Data Tampa Bay Walk for Wishes presented By Allegiant Air begins on Saturday, April 30. Help Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida reach their goal of raising $200,000 by joining in the Walk For Wishes, part of this year’s Riverfest. This is a two-mile, relaxing and beautiful walk along the Hillsbourough River. Participation includes access to family fun, festivities, live entertainment, and food vendors. Come join us! 

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April 8, 2016
Be A Peach And Join Make-A-Wish Georgia For A Walk!

Make-A-Wish Georgia is almost halfway to their goal of granting 400 wishes by August 31 of this year. This means they need $450,000 to make more wishes come true. You can help them out by coming to the 12th Annual Walk For Wishes event held at the Philips Arena in Atlanta. 

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April 7, 2016
Beat Diabetes On World Health Day

Each year, World Health Day is celebrated on April 7. This year's World Health Day will focus on preventing and managing diabetes with the theme "Beat Diabetes." More than 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, and this number continues to rise. Diabetes is a concern for adults and children alike, but World Health Day is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the disease and reduce your risk. Today is also a great time for those already living with diabetes to learn about managing symptoms in the best way possible.

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April 1, 2016
April Is Cancer Control Month

April is Cancer Control Month, an observance declared by the president in office every year since the 1930s. This month is to observe the advances we’ve made in medical science for battling cancer, and to remind Americans that this battle is far from over. Cancer will soon be the leading cause of death in the United State but research is getting closer every day. It’s time to look at the hard facts and consider lifestyle changes and options for regular screenings. You can show your support and concern for cancer survivors during this month, and make April matter for you and your community. 

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April 1, 2016
Head, Neck, Esophageal, And Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

April is the awareness month for four types of cancer: head and neck, esophageal, and testicular. It’s an important time to discuss these different diseases because some can be prevented through self-care, while others need to be discovered during examination by a doctor. Many of these cancers are related because of the three ways that the disease spreads throughout the body:

  • Tissue. Cancer cells can spread from where they began by developing into nearby regions.
  • Lymph system. When cancer gets into the lymph system, it spreads through the lymph vessels to other parts of the body.
  • Blood. If cancer gets into the blood, it travels through the blood vessels to other areas.

Cancer awareness months are not meant to cause worry or hypochondria. The purpose of this month is to spread awareness about these diseases, many of which are preventable through lifestyle choices and are also highly treatable. 

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March 30, 2016
Make Wishes Come True Where A Mask Is A Must

Back by popular demand is the 4th Annual A Millions Dreams Masquerade Ball, benefiting Make-A-Wish Illinois. A Millions Dreams is a non-profit organization founded by Yvonne McMillion. When her son Zachary was 8, he battled the rare cancer Epithelia Sarcoma. Make-A-Wish Illinois granted him a wish and brought a smile back to his face. Now, Zachary is nine years cancer-free. Yvonne began A Million Dreams to give back to the Make-A-Wish foundation. She hosts great fundraising events to help grant more wishes.


The Masquerade Ball will feature a cocktail party, fun actives, silent auctions, and a cash bar. Come join A Million Dreams on April 23 for an adult night out that will surely bring more smiles to the faces of kids with critical illnesses. 

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March 26, 2016
Lace Up Your Shoes For The Oregon Walk For Wishes

Residents in the Portland area have a fun way to help Make-A-Wish Oregon grant more wishes this spring. The annual Walk For Wishes takes place Saturday, April 16. Be a hero for Wish Kids and help Make-A-Wish Oregon reach their fundraising goal of $150,000 at this year's walk. Just think of all the wishes that amount can grant!

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March 23, 2016
Join An Orange County Or Inland Empire Walk For Wishes This April

Spring weather is here, and it's the perfect reason to get outside and give back to your community. A great way to get involved this April is by attending a Walk For Wishes. Make-A-Wish Orange County and the Inland Empire is hosting two events this April that you won't want to miss out on. 

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March 22, 2016
Celebrate World Water Day On March 22nd

You probably don’t spend much time thinking about water, despite it being a necessity in your daily life. Many of us don’t. The United States is one of the largest consumers of freshwater resources on Earth, with the average American using between 80 and 100 gallons per day. It’s easy for us to keep hydrated and sanitary, a fact that we usually take for granted. Meanwhile, 1 out of 9 people in the world go without access to safe drinking water.

This  sip of knowledge is just one of the many reasons why March 22 is World Water Day, an international observance of the essentiality of water and related concerns. Originally designated as an annual celebration of the importance of freshwater by the UN in 1993, it now serves as a reminder of the lives that can be saved if we focus world-wide, coordinated effort towards sustainable water management. On World Water Day, people all around the world can demonstrate that they care about agriculture, health, trade, and the environment. Campaigns are held as a way to raise money for worldwide access to safe water, and nongovernmental organizations use the day to promote sustainability through suggestions to protect water resources. The UN-Water also coordinates international events and activities for each of its 193 member-states to educate, inspire, and insight change within their countries.

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March 18, 2016
Two Wishmaker’s Balls On April 9 In Central And Northern Florida

If you live in one of Florida’s 54 counties served by Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida, then you have two great opportunities to support your local chapter on April 9th. The 22nd Annual Hamlin and Associates Wishmaker’s Ball and the 7th Annual Tampa Wishmaker’s Ball are both being held on Saturday. You have the option of attending either of these of these elegant black tie galas to experience the power in granting wishes to the children with critical illnesses.

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CDF also runs the following programs:
Wheels for Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish®, Vehicles for Veterans benefiting disabled veterans, and Animal Car Donation benefiting animal rescue organizations.

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CDF's mission is to help these benefitting charities fulfill their missions with proceeds from CDF's car donation programs. CDF and all benefitting charities are separate and unaffiliated 501c organizations.
© 2009 - 2025 Wheels For Wishes (Car Donation Foundation)
A federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization