Looking for a great way to help Make-A-Wish Arizona in March? Attend the Black & White Wish Ball on March 25. The ball takes place at the JW Marriott Scottsdale Camelback Inn Resort & Spa (5402 E Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale). Festivities begin at 6 p.m. and go until 11. Guests should come out in their most elegant black or white attire, and black tie is encouraged.
Since March is Women's History Month, we thought it would be the perfect time to highlight how influential women have changed the car industry throughout history. When it comes to the history of cars, people tend to think of Henry Ford, Karl Benz, Walter P. Chrysler, Horace Dodge, or other men whose names are behind the most recognizable car brands on the market today.
The last day in February is internationally observed as Rare Disease Day. In the U.S., a rare disease is defined as any disease, condition, syndrome or illness that affects fewer than 200,000 people. Many people with rare diseases struggle to find the right treatment and even get the right diagnosis for months or years.
Connecticut residents have a great opportunity to be a part of the Make-A-Wish Connecticut mission this spring. On March 25, come out to Make-A-Wish Connecticut's Evening of Wishes Gala held at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville. The Gala goes from 6 p.m. to midnight and is black tie optional. Reserve your spot today!
Make-A-Wish Illinois is hosting two can’t-miss events over February and March. Wishes Uncorked and A Million Dreams are two fun-filled nights, benefiting Make-A-Wish Illinois to make dreams come true for local children with critical illnesses. Each of these events has a unique twist, so read on to learn more about the details.
Cars are a big part of our lives. Whether you own a car or not, traffic, pollution, car accidents or all of the above probably have affected you at some point. Because of this, you probably know the essentials about cars. However, even if you are a mechanic, you probably didn’t know all of these awesome, random facts about cars:
It's time to get your tickets for Make-A-Wish Tri-Counties' 2017 Wish Night! The event is just around the corner on March 3. Wish Night takes place at the Hyatt Regency (880 S. Westlake Blvd.) in Westlake Village. You won't want to miss your chance to attend, so head to the Make-A-Wish Tri Counties event page to get your tickets now.
Of the many conditions you'll drive through in your car's lifetime, road salt probably has the worst effect on your car's body. If you live in the majority of states that use road salt, you've seen your fair share of rusty cars and know it can happen to you too. Unfortunately it may not be possible to completely protect your car from the corrosive effects of salt. But with a little extra maintenance in the winter months you can help prevent rust much longer.
Valentine’s Day is celebrated all around the world and has been for centuries. Many people call this day a “Hallmark Holiday” meaning it was created for commercial purposes rather than an event. However Valentine’s Day dates back to the 1400s. The first known valentine was written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, and it still exists today. The valentine was a poem written to his wife who was imprisoned in a tower. Now Valentine’s Day is celebrated all around the world. Let’s follow cupid’s arrow around the world and see the different ways Valentine’s Day is celebrated.
Get out your dancing shoes and get ready for this spectacular event helping make wishes come true for children in South Carolina. You will be able to experience a night straight out of a storybook. The Wish Ball will take place at the USC Alumni Center in Columbia, South Carolina on Feb. 25, 2017.
As summer is approaching now is the perfect time to start thinking about this summer’s road trips. Have you been trying to find the best way to get some quality family time? Road trips could be the perfect option.
Perhaps the best money-saving technique is to change your habits every so often. Going to the movies, eating out, and other entertainment really adds up over the course of a month or year. Weekends tend to be when most of us spend the most money, but it doesn't have to be that way! A fun way to reduce spending while also being closer and having more fun as a family is to not spend any unnecessary money just one weekend a month.
February is Cancer Prevention Month. Several studies over the years have helped to shed light on some of cancer’s most common causes. To best help observe this Cancer Prevention Month, read on to find out some of the best ways to reduce your risk of cancer.
On Feb. 10, 2017, you are invited to the Westin Charlotte (601 S College St., Charlotte, N.C. 28202) for the 2017 Wish Ball. With this invitation comes the chance to benefit an organization that has already helped to grant over 4,000 wishes in North Carolina to local kids with critical illnesses.
Make-A-Wish Wisconsin is hosting Strikes For Charity, a bowling blast at the Super Bowl in Appleton, Wis. (2222 E Northland Ave.) on Feb. 9. Presented by Romenesko Developments, Strikes For Charity provides a family-fun way to raise funds for local kids with critical illnesses through Make-A-Wish, helping kids to live their dreams.
Every year since 2000 people can’t wait to make a splash on Super Bowl Sunday. Before hundreds of people are on their way to Super Bowl parties, they are jumping in the ocean to help grant wishes for children. These daring people raise money for Make-A-Wish Metro New York and Western New York. This event took one child’s wish of playing on the beach in Puerto Rico and made it so much more.
In 2017, one of America's most peculiar traditions celebrates its 131st anniversary. Groundhog Day is right around the corner on Feb. 2, meaning we'll soon find out if spring is on the way or if winter will stick around for 6 more weeks. According to tradition, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow tomorrow he'll go back into hibernation and we'll have 6 more weeks of cold weather, snow and other unpleasant winter conditions. If there's no shadow, spring is right around the corner.
Get your baking utensils ready for January 27. This day is not for vanilla cakes or red velvet cakes but it is all about chocolate cakes all around the world. The 27th is Chocolate Cake Day, so be prepared to bake a cake and eat it too!
Long Island is full of rich history and beautiful landscapes. Take it all in by visiting these locations:
Jan. 23 is the official start of the 2017 tax season. You've probably already started receiving your tax documents, but today is the first day your returns will be accepted by the IRS. If you are among the 80 percent of taxpayers who e-files their return, you can submit your return before the season opens, but it won't officially be accepted until Jan 23.