Donate A Car To Charity To Help With Spring Cleaning
It is that time of year again, when the snow has started to melt and blades of grass are finally making their way into the open. The cold temperature that helped you to put-off cleaning and organizing your garage, house and lawn is being replaced with comfortable and temperate weather, and excuses are running short. It is spring cleaning time. You might be looking around your house and wondering what you are going to do with all of the items that have been stacking up, but don’t worry too much: A garage sale in May should take care of most of those items.
Then, there is that used car in your driveway. Before the winter it was fine, but it has been an especially rough and cold winter throughout the United States, and your car has taken the brunt of that damage. One solution to the old-car-blues is car donation.
How To Choose The Right Car Donation Charity
Car donation charities are all around you, the key is finding one that is legitimate and working toward a cause you believe in. The best way to find a charity you can get behind is doing your research. There are thousands of car donation charities – some even offer perk vacations to entice you to donate. But ask yourself why you are making the donation in the first place. If you are making a car donation to an organization and it isn’t clear what your donation will be benefiting, or if it takes a lot of investigation just to determine who your donation would benefit, you might want to consider going someplace different.
Don’t be fooled by vehicle donation programs that advertise ambiguously as being "for kids" or for "a cause;" with Wheels For Wishes, you know exactly what you are getting for your car donation and who it will benefit! There aren’t any hidden fees or vacations that seem too good to be true – just that great feeling of knowing your car donation has helped Make-A-Wish provide a child in your community with the experience of a lifetime.
Another aspect to choosing the right car donation charity is picking one that will get you the maximum possible tax deduction for your vehicle. To ensure that you get something back for your car donation, make sure you are donating to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. When you make your donation to a fully registered charity, you will receive up to the market value of your vehicle in a tax deduction. If a charity has been fully registered with the IRS, that information will likely be available and clear.
Why Choose Car Donation To Benefit Make-A-Wish?
Our partner, Make-A-Wish, does great things for children with critical illnesses across the country. On average, one wish is granted every 38 minutes – that is more than 37 children having a wish granted every day! Having a wish granted has been proven to be a game-changer for children facing critical illnesses. Each and every wish helps to inspire a child in need.
With so many wishes being granted every day, contributions from donors like you are vital. Make-A-Wish has made it easy to give; you can make a general donation, donate frequent flier miles, volunteer your time, fundraise and even donate your car! The average wish costs about $7,500, so every dollar raised is important. You can help to make a wish come true!
Donate Your Car To Wheels For Wishes Today
Spring cleaning isn’t always fun, but this year when you have made the decision to clean out your garage and purchase a more reliable vehicle, remember you can make a huge difference in the life of a child by donating your used car. Car donation is easy – even if you aren’t sure how to donate a car! Just give us a call at 1-855-278-9474 and our experienced car donation representatives will walk you through the process and answer any questions you might have. You can even make your donation online by filling out our simple donation form. We will pick-up or tow away your vehicle at no cost to you in almost any city in the country, including Santa Fe, Des Moines and Rochester! Your car can be out of your garage and on its way to making a difference in the life a Wish Kid in only a few weeks. Make the call today!