Donate Your Car Today In Honor Of Giving Tuesday
We’ve made it through Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, but now it’s time for the most important day of them all – Giving Tuesday. While you may have overindulged on Thanksgiving dinner or spent too much of your hard-earned money on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is a time to give back and help others who may not be as fortunate.
If You Choose To Do Just One Thing Today, Choose To Give Back
Even if you’ve already spent enough money on holiday gifts over the weekend, or maybe you’ve finally saved up enough to purchase that new appliance you’ve been wanting, consider giving back and making a difference in honor of Giving Tuesday. Not only does giving feel great on your part, but it will also help to make a difference in the lives of others.
Maybe you’ll choose to give individually, or you’ll join forces with your family members, co-workers, church group, or friends. Whatever you do, you will be helping to improve the lives of others, whether you choose to help people or animals in honor of Giving Tuesday.
Thanks to the power of social media, giving is easier than ever. Cash donations aren’t the only form of giving encouraged on Giving Tuesday – you can also donate your time or services, too!
Ways To Give
If there is a cause that you are especially passionate about supporting, you may wish to give to them on Giving Tuesday. If you’d like to switch things up this year, or maybe a cash donation isn’t in your budget, you can still participate by volunteering your time or services. Check out some examples for ways that your business, nonprofit, school, or family can get involved.
Since Giving Tuesday focuses on year-end giving, you may also qualify for a tax deduction if you donate to a charitable organization on Giving Tuesday. For example, if you donate a car to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting local chapters of Make-A-Wish, you will receive a tax deduction for your charitable contribution.
When you give on Giving Tuesday, be sure to share it on social media using #GivingTuesday and #UNselfie. Many people prefer to keep their charitable contributions private, but by spreading the word you will be encouraging other people to participate as well! Use this photo as an example for spreading the word on Giving Tuesday.
If you’re looking for places to support on Giving Tuesday, you can also search for #GivingTuesday on social media channels to find participating organizations who may have matching donors. However you help out today, you will be helping to make a difference in the lives of others! What better way to start the season of giving than by making a donation on Giving Tuesday?