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June 5, 2015
How To Take Action On World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) falls on June 5 of every year and is the biggest day for positive environmental action. Plus, it’s easy to get involved! There are plenty of activities to partake in around the world, and you can even register an event of your own. Help to encourage worldwide environmental awareness on WED and make a difference during this year’s theme of "Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care." 

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May 9, 2015
Learn About Sun Safety This May

May is National Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Month, the perfect time to learn more about sun safety. Approximately 3.5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the U.S., making it the most common type of cancer. There are several types of skin cancer, including Actinic Keratosis, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Dysplastic Nevi, Melanoma, and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Learn more about these specific types of skin cancer here.

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March 15, 2015
Go Green And Donate Cars, Boats, Or Motorcycles To Wheels For Wishes

Do you have an unwanted car, boat, truck, motorcycle, ATV, RV, or Jet Ski that you longer want or need? Is the vehicle taking up space in your driveway, garage, or shed, or are you paying to store it somewhere? Are you paying for car insurance on a vehicle that you hardly, if ever use? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, it might be a good time to think about donating your car to charity. 

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February 28, 2015
6 Creative Ways To Reduce Paper Waste

Did you know that, by weight, paper accounts for over half of all the material that is recycled in the United States? About 65 percent of all paper is currently recycled each year in the United States, which is more than any other material including metal, glass and plastic. However, the EPA reports that 27 percent of residential trash is paper, the highest percentage of any type of household waste. 

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February 14, 2015
4 Ways To Make A Positive Difference On Valentine's Day

A lot of people see Valentine's Day as a day all about buying stuff for loved ones, but you can make it so much more than that when you get creative with your gifts or caring gestures. Chocolates or other not-so-good-for-you treats, flowers and stuffed animals are always fun to give and receive, but we’ve made a list of four things to try in case you’d like to make your gift even more special this year.

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January 30, 2015
Have A Green Super Bowl Party This Year

If you're watching the game this Sunday, your focus probably won't be on how environmentally friendly the party is. Whether you watch the Super Bowl for the game, the commercials, or just to hang out with friends, you can still have a great party while leaving a minimum impact on the environment.

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December 27, 2014
Tips To Make Your New Year's Party A Green One

While everyone is making plans for how they are celebrating New Year's, consider this: We are creating more waste today than ever before. But little contributions in your life can help maintain the planet we all call home. Start living a greener lifestyle at your New Year’s Eve celebration this week! Living a greener lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to change everything in your life. A small change can literally make a world of difference.

At Wheels For Wishes, we take living a green lifestyle seriously. By taking your new, old or unwanted vehicles and recycling them, we not only help the planet, but also help the children of Make-A-Wish. A donation to Wheels For Wishes can help children in Austin, Spokane, Columbus and throughout the United States. The proceeds from every donated vehicle benefit Make-A-Wish and help wishes come true! Here are some tips for making your New Year’s Eve party green:

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September 5, 2014
Make A Difference On Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day

Have you ever done a cleanup event or activity on Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day? This year might be the perfect time to do so in memory of Garner, who passed away two months ago on July 6, 2014. Garner is remembered for his 58 years of continuous service for the Corps of Engineers in Arkansas, for his coastal cleanup of Greers Ferry Lake, and for receiving the Department of the Army Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service award—the highest award the service can bestow on a civilian. Celebrate the impact Carl Garner made in his lifetime by participating in a cleanup event in your city, a state park, or other federal land on Sept. 6. 

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August 8, 2014
Going Green On Campus Is Easier Than You Thought

With the costs of college, going green might be one of the easiest and most responsible ways to save money. College is a time for figuring out what you want to do and who you want to be, and it can also be a time to think about how you impact the environment. There are hundreds of ways to reduce your impact on the environment in your dorm room, and oftentimes these ways save you more money than making choices that aren’t eco-friendly. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of eight simple ways to lead an environmentally responsible lifestyle on campus. 

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April 22, 2014
Enjoy Earth Day With Worms In Dirt

Teaching children the importance of keeping the Earth green and healthy is important for the future of the world. Earth Day is a special celebration which promotes green tips and sustainable living. Earth day is celebrated April 22, and became an official United States Holiday in 1970. On the very first Earth Day, more than 20 million people gathered in the streets to protest the industrial revolution. Since then, April 22 has marked a day when families come together to collect garbage, plant trees, clean up beaches, teach one another about living green and sign petitions to promote a better future for the planet. Since 1990, the holiday has been recognized worldwide. Huge projects take place each year, including a 100,000 person bike ride on Earth Day in 2012 in China, and more than 28 million trees being planted in Afghanistan on Earth Day in 2011.

There are plenty of ways to promote Earth Day and teach your children about the importance of protecting the planet. Many families will plant a tree in their yard for each child and watch them grow along with their children. One of our favorite ways to celebrate Earth Day here at Wheels For Wishes is by making Worms In Dirt!

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February 13, 2014
Make Valentine's Day A Green Celebration

What better way is there to show the person that you love how important they are to you than by making the world a better place for them to live? Changing the world doesn’t always have to involve some big gesture. Even the smallest changes can make a huge impact. 

Maintaining the planet is another great way to make the world a better place. Once again, it doesn’t take grand gestures to clean up the world. Every person conserving just a little will go a long way in making the world a little more eco-friendly. You can start this Valentine’s Day by going on a green date! Do something that will last, by not leaving a scar on Mother Earth.

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January 31, 2014
Celebrate A Green Super Bowl Sunday

Nearly 50 percent of people with televisions watched the Super Bowl last year. Even for people who dislike football, it has become a tradition to click on the game, sit down with friends and mock or admire the commercials. If you are planning to host a Super Bowl party this year, there are ways to have a great party while also remaining eco-friendly! Don’t turn your back on Mother Earth just to impress your friends. Make an effort to throw a green Super Bowl party this year.

If you’d like to keep green and throw an eco-friendly Super Bowl party, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Wheels For Wishes, we promote living a green life every day. When you donate a vehicle to Wheels For Wishes, it is recycled, helping the planet and children of Make-A-Wish. A donation to Wheels For Wishes helps children in Rapid City, Burlington, Billings, and your community too! Proceeds from every vehicle that is donated benefit Make-A-Wish and help to make wishes come true. Here are some tips for making your Super Bowl party green:

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January 24, 2014
Why Car Recycling Is One Of The Best Ways To Live Eco-Friendly

Recycling a vehicle involves dismantling a vehicle for spare parts at the end of their life. Once a vehicle has stopped working properly, it is broken down and used for spare parts. The process of breaking a vehicle down can be complicated, since there are many different parts – including some hazardous material that must be removed.

To start the recycling process, recyclers will usually start the engine (if the engine starts at all) to find any leaks there might be. After the recycler has recorded all of the parts on the vehicle, they will then drain all fluids from the car (i.e. motor oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, antifreeze, etc.) and store those fluids in the proper area. Other remaining hazardous materials will then be removed, like the battery and propellant for the air bags. Once all products and reusable items from the car are removed, the vehicle is crushed and recycled at a metal recycling facility. The old parts can be used to create new cars, or used to repair cars that are still in working condition.

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January 17, 2014
Ten Easy Ways To Live A More Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

If you are tired of living a wasteful lifestyle and are resolved to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle this new year, you might feel a little overwhelmed about all of the big changes in your life. Starting something new can be stressful when you are unsure where to begin. Rest assured, you have already completed the most difficult step – deciding to make a change. Focus on smaller changes you can make easily before you tackle the more difficult steps of your eco-friendly resolution. Here are some easy and small changes you can make in your everyday life to help live a more eco-friendly lifestyle:

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September 6, 2013
Get Planting On National Planting Day

Wheels For Wishes is a proud supporter of the green movement. We are always encouraging others to make eco-friendly choices that will help keep America clean and green. At Wheels For Wishes, we accept donated vehicles and recycle or auction them off, so vehicles are always recycled and reused. This helps to extend the lifecycle of vehicles of all makes, models, and years. However, we are also interested in keeping America clean and green in other ways as well, such as by participating in National Planting Day!

Hosted by Keep America Beautiful, the second annual National Planting Day will take place on Saturday, Sept. 7. This event celebrates the value of native species while encouraging others to keep America beautiful by planting native species of trees, flowers, and plants. Native species live or grow naturally without direct or indirect human interaction, which is very important in balancing the environment. They provide habitat for wildlife and they provide food for birds since they tend to attract pollinators and insects. Plus, natives are very low maintenance. Consider planting native shrubs, plants, or a tree on National Planting Day!

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July 15, 2013
Seven Books That Teach Kids About Going Green And Recycling

To ensure that our future generation knows how to protect the world we live in and keep it green, it’s good to set an example for kids, whether they are our children, grandchildren, friends’ children, students, etc.

Donating a car can be an excellent way to teach kids about recycling as well as the benefits of donating to charity. When you donate a vehicle to Wheels For Wishes, you get the best of both worlds, because you are not only recycling a vehicle and allowing it to be reused, but you are also making a donation that will benefit Make-A-Wish and help to grant the wishes of local kids.

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June 3, 2013
Ways To Make The Most Out Of World Environment Day

The environment needs our help, and World Environment Day is an important day to recognize what we can do to protect the world we live in. Since 1972, World Environment Day has been a popular celebration throughout the whole world. People of all ages are encouraged to get involved to make our world a cleaner and greener place to live. It’s an excellent time to get the whole family involved and to teach children the importance of living green.

Whether you choose to tackle city-wide cleaning on June 5, or you practice more sustainable ways of living for you and your family, World Environment Day is the perfect day for you to kick start your new green routine.

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April 29, 2013
Create An Eco-Friendly May Day Basket

May Day is the start of a bright new spring and a perfect time to honor friends and loved ones with a special May Day basket. People love receiving May Day baskets, but instead of giving away a basket filled with wasteful items, consider creating an eco-friendly May Day basket that will allow friends and family to get the most out of their May Day gift.

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April 22, 2013
Plant A Tree This Arbor Day

Recycling is a big part of Wheels For Wishes and recycling is also a very big step in creating a greener world. Wheels For Wishes is a proud supporter of the green movement and encourages others to get involved, especially on holidays such as Arbor Day. Wheels For Wishes accepts donated cars, trucks, SUVs, RVs, boats, or motorcycles, and recycles or auctions them off so vehicles can be recycled and reused. Earned proceeds from recycled or auctioned vehicles benefit Make-A-Wish, so there are many ways that an unwanted car can be put to better use.

Since Wheels For Wishes is a proud supporter of the green movement, Arbor Day is another perfect time of the year to be kind to the world we live in, starting with your own backyard. Maybe you have an unwanted vehicle taking up space in your yard or in your garage, and if you do, consider donating it to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish.

When you donate a vehicle, you have nothing to lose and you will actually end up with the maximum possible tax deduction at tax time, plus the great feeling of knowing your vehicle is helping to grant a wish for a child in your community.

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April 15, 2013
Celebrate Earth Day In Your City

Earth Day is the time of the year where nearly one billion people come together and work to make the world a little cleaner.  April 22 has been known as Earth Day since 1970, and is still a very popular holiday for the environmentally-concerned or those who are interested in learning more about protecting the environment. Year after year, cities put together annual events to teach their communities how to live as green as possible. If you’re looking to get involved this year, look no further. We have everything you need to know about Earth Day 2013!

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Excellent 9.3 out of 10
CDF also runs the following programs:
Wheels for Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish®, Vehicles for Veterans benefiting disabled veterans, and Animal Car Donation benefiting animal rescue organizations.

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CDF's mission is to help these benefitting charities fulfill their missions with proceeds from CDF's car donation programs. CDF and all benefitting charities are separate and unaffiliated 501c organizations.
© 2009 - 2024 Wheels For Wishes (Car Donation Foundation)
A federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization