Wheels For Wishes Home
March 25, 2020
Nine Tips To Become A One Car Family

Are you considering becoming a one car family? Downsizing to one car has a long list of benefits. It can save your family a lot of money every year. It also comes with challenges. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of tips and benefits to help you make your decision. Downsizing to one […]

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March 16, 2020
Upcycling Vs. Recycling

What is better: recycling or upcycling? What’s the difference? In this article, you will find that upcycling versus recycling is situational. It also depends on your ability and desire to do arts and crafts or other DIY projects. The two forms of recycling are upcycling and downcycling.  What Is Upcycling? Upcycling is creative reuse. It […]

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March 2, 2020
Hazardous Waste Collection Near Me

Hazardous Waste is waste which threatens public health or the environment. If you are looking to get rid of hazardous waste, it is important to do it properly. Read on to learn more about hazardous waste and where to dispose of it. Find Hazardous Waste Collection Near You Hazardous waste is typically disposed in four […]

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July 31, 2019
Plastic Straw Pollution’s Effect On The Environment

What is wrong with using plastic straws? You may have seen the recent news of local governments and national companies banning or reducing plastic straws. This commodity found in most restaurants and several homes in the U.S. has been adding up in our landfills and oceans in epidemic proportions. Because plastic straws never biodegrade, the […]

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July 24, 2019
Impact Of Plastic Straws On Marine Wildlife And Birds

Plastic straw pollution has made waves in the news recently. That’s because this disposable item you find in most drinks at most restaurants, which you may not even think about, has been adding up in our oceans and negatively impacting marine wildlife and birds. Plastic straws are just one of several plastic pollutants used globally, […]

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August 17, 2018
2 Ways To Clean Up The World This Weekend

Every day can be filled with opportunities to help the environment if you keep an eye out. But this weekend, two international cleanup efforts are going on that you can hardly miss. The International Coastal Cleanup is Sept. 19 and Clean Up The World Weekend is going on from Sept. 18-20. Both cleanups will provide great opportunities around the world to make a positive impact on the environment.

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August 15, 2018
How To Recycle Yard Waste

It’s the time of the year for yard work, and maybe you have a summer’s worth of yard waste filling up bags in your garage. Or maybe you’re ready to take on a project before summer ends and you’re wondering where to recycle your yard waste. We can help. While recycling rules vary by city, recycling is incredibly beneficial to the environment and worth looking into! 

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August 8, 2018
How To Have A Green School Year

By the time August rolls around, the back-to-school frenzy is in full swing at every department store. It's fun to stock up on brand new supplies, but now is a good time to remember that stores want you to buy everything you need, along with things you didn't even know you wanted until you got there. This time of year can be especially hard for first year college students who can't wait to buy everything they need to live independently.

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June 5, 2017
5 Eco-Friendly Car Tips Save Money And Environment

June 5 is World Environment Day, a time to reconnect with nature and take steps toward saving the environment. One of the largest detriments to the environment is transportation—particularly cars. It can be difficult and expensive to make huge changes to the way you commute, but you can make small changes in your life to […]

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April 22, 2017
9 Ways To Help The Earth With Your Car

For many environmentalists, cars are a necessary evil. Most eco-minded people opt for public transportation or alternative transport like bikes or walking whenever possible. But how do you lessen your impact when you absolutely have to drive? 

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March 29, 2017
5 Best Cities To Trade Your Car For A Bike

May is American Bike Month—the perfect time to examine bikes vs. cars. If you are thinking of making an eco-friendly switch to biking, you can be even more eco-friendly by recycling your car! 

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January 20, 2017
5 Cheap And Easy Ways To Go Green

The New Year is when we all get to have a clean slate and start fresh with our goals. While most people resolve to lose weight or exercise more, another popular resolution is to reduce your carbon footprint.

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June 8, 2016
Fun Facts About Every Ocean On World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day is a day to celebrate the world’s oceans, their products and marine life. The mission of this holiday is to take action to conserve the ocean and all it has to offer.

Celebrate World Oceans day by reading these interesting facts about each of the world’s oceans.

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April 22, 2016
22 Ways To Get In The Habit Of Being Green

When you keep the planet in mind as you shop, do home improvements, travel or eat, you're not just helping Mother Earth. Many eco-friendly actions are also beneficial for your own health and they help you save money in the long run. Most environmentally-friendly decisions don't have to be expensive or take a lot of time. In fact, small changes can have a bigger impact than you might expect when you form green habits.

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March 22, 2016
Celebrate World Water Day On March 22nd

You probably don’t spend much time thinking about water, despite it being a necessity in your daily life. Many of us don’t. The United States is one of the largest consumers of freshwater resources on Earth, with the average American using between 80 and 100 gallons per day. It’s easy for us to keep hydrated and sanitary, a fact that we usually take for granted. Meanwhile, 1 out of 9 people in the world go without access to safe drinking water.

This  sip of knowledge is just one of the many reasons why March 22 is World Water Day, an international observance of the essentiality of water and related concerns. Originally designated as an annual celebration of the importance of freshwater by the UN in 1993, it now serves as a reminder of the lives that can be saved if we focus world-wide, coordinated effort towards sustainable water management. On World Water Day, people all around the world can demonstrate that they care about agriculture, health, trade, and the environment. Campaigns are held as a way to raise money for worldwide access to safe water, and nongovernmental organizations use the day to promote sustainability through suggestions to protect water resources. The UN-Water also coordinates international events and activities for each of its 193 member-states to educate, inspire, and insight change within their countries.

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January 19, 2016
7 Cost-Effective Ways To Make Your Home Greener This Year

Many home improvements are costly up front, but save you money down the road. The long-term value of installing energy efficient windows or an Energy Star-rated air conditioner can be huge, but the cost of such upgrades can be a major barrier to some families. Luckily, there are also a lot of simple changes that cost next to nothing and can start saving energy and resources almost immediately. If you've made a New Year's resolution to go green in your home this year, these ideas can help you get there! 

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January 9, 2016
5 Easy Ways To Dispose Of Your Christmas Tree

Christmas has been over for a few weeks now. Hopefully by now you've got your Christmas tree down, and your lights and ornaments packed away. But if that's not you, and you still have your tree up, it's probably getting to be about that time to pack it up.

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December 30, 2015
How You Can Throw A Green New Year’s Party

The year is coming to an end, and it’s time to celebrate the New Year ahead. What better way to bring in the New Year than by throwing a green New Year’s party? By green, we don’t mean the red and green colors from your holiday decorations—we mean green as in environmentally-friendly. At Wheels For Wishes, we practice recycling everyday through our car donation programs that benefit local kids in your area. If car donation is on your list of New Year’s resolutions, we suggest that you donate your vehicle before 11:59 p.m. on New Year’s Eve to get a tax deduction for the 2015 year. 

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November 18, 2015
Did You Know These 6 Waste And Recycling Facts?

It's pretty well known that the U.S. could do better with its current recycling rate, which is just 34.5 percent. Recycling seems easy enough, but it's often a complicated and misunderstood issue that people can't agree on. Most of the glass, plastic, paper and metal that ends up in the trash can be recycled, but in the landfill it's just a lost resource. Learning more about waste and recycling can make a huge difference in the future of our environment.

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August 14, 2015
Woody Harrelson Travels Consciously In Eco-Friendly Bus

You may have noticed Woody Harrelson’s incredible talent for acting in television shows such as "True Detective" or movies like "Zombieland" and "The Hunger Games." However, Harrelson is not only a talented actor. He’s also one of the most environmentally-friendly celebrities! The “diehard environmentalist” is a raw vegan, yoga enthusiast, and self-described “happy hippie from Hawaii,” who travels to each of his movie sets in a 1970s bio-diesel bus which runs on vegetable oil. 

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Excellent 9.3 out of 10
CDF also runs the following programs:
Wheels for Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish®, Vehicles for Veterans benefiting disabled veterans, and Animal Car Donation benefiting animal rescue organizations.

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CDF's mission is to help these benefitting charities fulfill their missions with proceeds from CDF's car donation programs. CDF and all benefitting charities are separate and unaffiliated 501c organizations.
© 2009 - 2024 Wheels For Wishes (Car Donation Foundation)
A federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization