October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Learn How To Decrease Your Risk Of Breast Cancer
While breast cancer is not very common in children or adolescents, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer in young adults. In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, we will help to provide you with certain precautions you can take in your younger years to decrease your breast cancer risk as an adult.
Most Cases Of Breast Cancer Develop Over The Age Of 40
Even though only 7 percent of all breast cancer cases occur under the age of 40, it is still important to know the signs to watch out for. Most importantly, a person should know which precautions to take that can help to decrease their risk of developing breast cancer.
Something important to consider is diet and exercise. A diet heavy in red meat or alcohol can increase a person’s risk of developing breast cancer in his or her lifetime, even if they are still young. Obesity and inactivity are other factors to consider. Smoking and the use of chemicals consumed through eating, drinking, breathing, and using personal care products are also risk factors.
Many containers used in pre-packaged foods and drinks are harmful to the body, and cosmetics and cleaning supplies contain many toxic chemicals. The products you use when you are young can play an important role in issues you develop later in life.
According to breastcancer.org, a girl’s food, water, beverages, and air are the building blocks of their new breast tissue and the foundation of her future breast health. It is important to take precautions during the first 10 years of breast development.
Genetics Play An Important Role
Genetics also play an important role in the development of breast cancer. Women with close relatives who have been diagnosed with breast cancer have an especially higher risk of developing breast cancer. If a first-degree relative has been diagnosed with breast cancer, the risk of developing breast cancer is doubled. The risk becomes five times higher if two first-degree relatives have been diagnosed.
Radiation to the chest or face before age 30 can also increase a person’s risk of developing breast cancer during his or her lifetime. Radiation at a young age could have occurred to treat another cancer such as Hodgkin disease or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The breast cancer risk is highest if a girl received radiation during adolescence.
Women who started menstruating under the age of 12 also have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
Know The Signs And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer can occur at just about any age, so it is very important to be aware of the signs and symptoms. The earlier you seek the opinion of a medical professional, the better. If you feel a lump or mass in the breast, it’s best to get it checked out. However, there may not be any symptoms present.
If symptoms are present, they could include some of the following:
A lump in the underarm area
Swelling of all or part of the breast
Skin irritation or dimpling
Breast pain
Nipple pain or the nipple turning inward
Redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin
Breast cancer is something that no man or woman should have to go through, and especially not a young adult. However, it is possible to develop breast cancer as a young adult, especially if a girl or boy had received radiation for a different type of cancer at a young age.
If you would like to make a difference in the lives of adolescents or young adults with breast cancer, consider donating a vehicle to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish. Your car donation will help to grant a wish for a child or young adult between the age of 2 ½ and 18 who is battling a critical illness.
To donate a car, truck, boat, or motorcycle, please call 1-855-278-9474 or fill out an online car donation form today.