20 Things To Do With Old Tires
Wondering what to do with your old tires? We’re here to help! Tires can be upcycled, recycled, and even repaired! Here are 20 things you can do with old tires:
1. Make A Dog Bed
Old tires make cost-effective dog beds!
- Clean the tire
- Paint the tire to fit the aesthetic of the room
- Fill the middle of the tire with comfortable padding for your dog
These work great because the tire will naturally grip the floor. That paired with the weight makes for a stable bed.
2. Create An Outdoor Tire Chair
Old tires can make simple to very complex outdoor chairs depending on your crafting skills!
- Tires work great as the base for the seat. Either fill the middle with a cushion or use another old tire to make a lattice pattern to sit on.
- They also work well for the back of the seat. Add padding based on your comfort level.
- If you want the chair to be taller, stack another tire for the base!
These work very well for patio tires. Paint or decorate them to fit the look of your backyard.
3. Craft An Ottoman With Your Old Tire And Sisal
Tires work for indoor furniture too!
- Clean the tire
- Cover the tire completely with sisal. Make the sisal into a pattern if you’re artistically inclined!
These can be sturdy and quality additions to your indoor décor!
4. Use Old Tire As Plant Holder
Tires can be a great DIY planter holder or planter.
- Decorate the tire accordingly
- Fill with proper soil and plant
You can make these look nicer with paint, or by covering them with sisal. They work great with almost no work, or if you put in a lot of effort.
5. Old Tires Work Well As A Table Base
Old tires are stable and heavy. They work great as a table base!
- Clean the tires
- Paint or cover to your desired aesthetic
- Stack for desired height
- Place table top on top
6. Stackable Indoor Storage
Tires can be a great cost-effective storage solution.
- Clean the old tires
- Paint or decorate them
- Place in desired location
- Stack them
- Fill with goods to store
7. Make A Tire Swing
Upcycling your tire can be as simple as making a tire swing.
- Attach a rope to a sturdy tree
- Attach the other end of the rope securely to a tire
Tire swings are a great way to make your backyard exciting for your kids!
8. Tire Stairs Add Grip To Your Garden
Do you have a hill in your yard? Make stairs from old tires to make walking safer and easier.
- Dig indents for tires
- Secure them into ground
- Make sure steps are short enough for natural walking
9. Craft A Half Tire Hammock
Your tire may be large enough to hold your kid! If so, cut it in half and make a hanging hammock.
- Cut old tire in half
- Add rope to both sides
- Securely hang above for a comfortable seat!
10. Build A Tire Ladder For Your Playground Or Treehouse
Tires are sturdy and flexible—perfect for a foothold.
- Secure tires to playground or tree using 2x4s, strong rope, or safe cable
- Stack them like a ladder
11. Make A Tire Sandbox
Upcycle your old tire by making a sandbox.
- Either use a large enough tire or
- Cut tires to form border
- Fill with sand
12. Use Tires For Exercise
Here are a few ways you can use tires for exercise:
- Tire flips
- Lay tire flat on ground, quickly step into tire—alternating feet
- Hang tires by rope to make a ropes course
- Lay tires flat for an obstacle course—jumping from tire to tire
13. Craft An Umbrella Stand
Tires are so versatile for upcycling. The only limit is creativity!
- Cut holes along the top of the tire
- Stick umbrellas inside through the holes
- The inner groove on the bottom will catch any moisture left on the umbrellas
14. Stack Old Tires To Make Outdoor Trash Bins
Simply stack tires and add trash bags for cost-effective trash cans!
15. Get Creative With Upcycled Tire Patio Furniture
Tires can be used to make just about any patio furniture with the right creative eye. Here’s a few examples of things to try:
- Chair
- End table
- Couch
- Outdoor coffee table base
- Outdoor bar
16. Build Houses
Tires are emerging as a cheap construction material for affordable homes. Research online in your community to see if any organizations are looking for tire donations.
17. Retread Your Old Tires
Some old tires are excellent candidates for continued use! You can retread certain tires and continue to drive on them like new!
18. Leave Old Tires With The Shop When You Get New Tires
When you get new tires, make sure to leave the old ones with the shop. They typically have the resources to properly recycle the tires.
19. Recycle Tires If You’re Responsible For Their Disposal
If you are responsible to get rid of old tires, find a local recycling center that accepts tires. In most places, you cannot dispose of tires with your usual trash and recycling curbside.
20. Donate Your Old Car To Wheels For Wishes
Did you know you can donate your entire old car? That’s right! Wheels For Wishes accepts old and unwanted vehicles and the proceeds benefit your local chapter of Make-A-Wish!
That means your old vehicle helps to grant wishes for children facing critical illness! Plus, you get a great tax deduction! On top of all that, we come to you with free towing!
Donate today by calling 1-855-278-9474 or fill out our easy online donation form!