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100 Ways To Go Green

May 11, 2020

Are you looking to go green? There are many ways to help save the planet. Often, going green can save you money too. Every step you take to help the environment counts!

How do you go green in 2020? Read this list--we have the answers. Here are 100 ways to go green:

Go Green In Your Household

  1. Recycle: It’s simple, but important. If something is recyclable, recycle it!
  2. Compost: Don’t throw away food scraps and add them to landfills. Put food waste to good use by composting it.
  3. Turn off lights: When you leave a room, turn off the lights. If there is available sunlight, use that instead. This helps save money too!
  4. Use LED bulbs: These bulbs last longer and use far less energy.
  5. Set timer for AC: When you leave the house, turn the air conditioning off. You can also set it to a timer to keep the house cool without running all day.
  6. Set timer for heat: Just like AC, you can set a timer for your heat too. This saves energy and money.
  7. Solar power: If possible, try powering some or all of your house using solar power. You won’t have to pay for it monthly. Plus, the energy is 100 percent renewable.
  8. Alternative energy to power home: Some local municipalities and companies offer renewable power.
  9. Upcycle: Create valuable items from waste!
  10. Recycle metals: Metal can be recycled endlessly without degrading. Plus, recycled metal uses far less resources than mining and using raw materials.
  11. Dispose of hazardous waste properly: Part of going green is taking care in how you dispose things.
  12. Donate furniture: When you donate furniture, it gives others the option to buy secondhand. Fewer new items purchased is better for the planet.
  13. Use cloth diapers: New parents use an average of 2,500 diapers in the first year! Cloth diapers save the planet and your wallet significantly!
  14. Use cloth napkins: 13 billion pounds of paper towels are used in the U.S. every year. Use cloth napkins and towels instead to eliminate waste!
  15. Use cloth tissues: Americans use 50 pounds of tissues per person every year. A clean cloth tissue or handkerchief can get the job done sustainably!
  16. Draw drapes at night: Keep the warm air in, so you don’t have to use as much heat!
  17. Add layers, not heat: If your home is just slightly on the chilly side, adding layers can solve your problem.
  18. Change furnace filter: Changing this a couple times a year increases your heating efficiency.
  19. Using ceiling fan with your air conditioning: This allows you to set your thermostat nine degrees higher. You will achieve the same target temperature while saving 30 percent of energy!
  20. Paint your house a lighter color: This will keep your home cooler in the hot summer months.
  21. Wash clothes in cold or warm water: This uses less energy than hot water.
  22. Only wash full loads of laundry: Emptier loads waste water and energy.
  23. Only wash full loads of dishes: Dishwashers should be filled in order to be energy efficient.
  24. Don’t use bleach or hard chemicals: These release toxins into the air, and pose problems for disposal.
  25. Clean lint out of dryer: A lint-free dryer runs more efficiently.
  26. Hang clothes to dry: You’ll save energy if you don’t run your dryer! Some clothes and linens benefit from air drying versus machine drying.
  27. Take shorter showers: This saves water, energy and money.
  28. Replace shower head to something with low flow: Your shower head could be more efficient! Some with heavy flow use unnecessary water.
  29. Don’t let water run when you brush teeth: Save water by only running it when you need it!
  30. Reduce empty space in freezer: Your freezer uses less energy when it has less to freeze. Keep it full!
  31. Turn refrigerator energy saver switch on during summer, off during winter: If your refrigerator has this option, it can save energy and money.
  32. Vacuum the coils behind the refrigerator twice a year: This increases its efficiency.
  33. Turn oven off for last few minutes of baking: Use the heat already generated by the oven without wasting energy.
  34. Use appropriate burner for pot size: Use your small burner for small pots and pans. Otherwise, it’s wasted energy.
  35. Buy energy efficient appliances: These save energy and money down the road!
  36. Use paper efficiently: Avoid over printing, don’t double space and use both sides. This saves trees!
  37. Recycle or donate glasses: Throwing these away adds plastic to landfills. Many people likely have your same optical needs. Donating them reduces plastic production and waste.
  38. Repair instead of replacing: You don’t need to throw something away the minute it stops working. Repairing what you have saves money and slows production.
  39. Reuse newspaper for wrapping gifts: It gives the paper a second use and eliminates the need to buy packaging.
  40. Give away old things: Others won’t have to buy what you give away.

Good Electronics Habits 

  1. Turn off your computer monitor when not in use: Your monitor takes about half the energy of your computer. If you’re not using it, turn it off.
  2. Unplug things that aren’t in use: Go around your home and see if there are things plugged in that you never use. Unplug them to save energy.
  3. Choose laptops over desktops: They use less power.
  4. Buy inkjet printers of laser printer: They’re cheaper and use less energy.
  5. Donate or recycle old computer: Disposing of electronics properly is important.
  6. Use reusable batteries: These save money and eliminate waste.
  7. Recycle cellphone: Find e-recyclers near you.
  8. Use cellphone for longer: Skip every other new model. Cell phones last longer than ever, and buying less often reduces waste.
  9. Limit screen time: Reducing time at the computer and TV saves energy.

Eco-Friendly Food, Grocery & Shopping 

  1. Reusable bags: Bring your own bags to the store. Eliminate the need for plastic or paper bags. Plus, these are more durable!
  2. Bring produce bags: Rather than using the plastic produce bags, bring your own mesh bags.
  3. Buy in-season fruit: Save the earth by reducing shipping.
  4. Use water bottle: Don’t use disposable cups or plastic bottles! Bring your own water bottle to reduce plastic waste.
  5. Reuse disposable grocery bags: If you have left over paper or plastic bags, use them as many times as possible.
  6. Avoid plastic when shopping: Buy unpackaged, fresh vegetables. Avoid items that come in plastic packaging.
  7. Use reusable straws: Metal straws work great. Plastic straws are a burden on marine wildlife and the environment.
  8. Eat local organic food: Local food requires less shipping and less preserving.
  9. Eat less meat: Make meals with less meat and balance with more locally grown veggies. Meat production and livestock farming contribute to 18 percent of all human produced greenhouse gas emissions. Lowering the demand lowers the supply.
  10. Make vegetarian meals more often: This will have a big impact on your meat consumption.
  11. Eat less fish: Eating fish is more responsible for the death of marine wildlife and detonation of their environment than pollution.
  12. Catch and release: Fishing can be a rewarding hobby. Keep the rewards coming by releasing what you catch.
  13. Bring your own mug to coffee shop: You can control your use of disposable cups. Even when you’re on the go, coffee shops do allow you to bring your own mug.
  14. Make your own baby food: Baby food comes with packaging and shipping. Making your own is simple and can be better for your baby. Many baby food brands contain sugar.
  15. Shop at thrift stores: Clothing production is a major factor in our environmental impact. Shopping a thrift stores saves you money while also saving the earth.
  16. Avoid Styrofoam: Styrofoam is 0 percent recyclable. It goes straight in the landfill and is filed with toxins.
  17. Don’t buy disposable razors: Reusable razors can be used forever and the shave is better with practice.
  18. Use bidet instead of toilet paper: Help stop tissue waste, and give yourself a better clean.
  19. Use reusable contacts: Disposable contacts are wasteful and more expensive.
  20. Buy eco-friendly products: Check the packaging on products you buy. Make sure they can be recycled. Do your research to make sure they are eco-friendly.
  21. Choose eco-friendly hygiene: There are eco friendly options for just about any hygiene product.
  22. Support businesses and products that care for environment: Boycotting bad businesses forces them to take positive steps. Supporting good businesses gives them the example they need.
  23. Buy locally made products: Less shipping is better for the earth.
  24. Use reusable lunch box: Brown paper bags do nothing to insulate your food. Plus, they end up in the landfill.
  25. Buy used furniture: New furniture often tries to emulate past styles anyway. Plus, they use cheaper materials now. Used furniture is typically higher quality and reduces the need for new production.
  26. Avoid excess packaging: Stop buying any product that uses extra unnecessary plastics.
  27. Give green gifts: Give gifts free of both packaging waste and disposable items. These could be anything from homemade gifts to thrift store finds—or even a favor.

Environmentally-Friendly Lawn And Outdoors

  1. Avoid pesticides in gardens and lawn: These are bad for the earth. There are natural alternatives.
  2. Use a push mower or electric mower: Gas lawnmowers produce bad emissions.
  3. If your climate doesn’t naturally support grass, don’t have grass: Watering your lawn is wasteful. There are other landscaping types that look great and don’t require wasteful habits.
  4. Water plants in early morning or evening: Watering at high noon is less efficient because of evaporation.
  5. Plant native trees: These encourage natural wildlife to return.
  6. Plant native plants: Natural wildlife will return, and you eliminate shipping.

Green Volunteering And Lifestyle Choices

  1. Take the stairs: Help reduce the impact elevators have on the environment.
  2. Clean up litter in your neighborhood: Help make your area a better place to live.
  3. Participate in environmental events: If there is a clean up event or a recycling event, volunteer your time.
  4. Participate in environmental causes: Inspire those around you to go green.
  5. Vote for representatives who support environment: Show your local politicians that going green is important to your community.
  6. Spend time outdoors: Experiencing nature with family and friends can spark a passion for preserving the planet.

Sustainable Transportation

  1. Bike: Get in good shape and save the earth!
  2. Walk: Walk for those short trips.
  3. Carpool: Ride with your coworkers to reduce the cars on the road.
  4. Public transit: Save money and reduce emissions.
  5. Drive electric car: Swap out gas and tell your friends!
  6. Downsize to one car family: Save money, and drive more efficiently.
  7. Don’t idle car over 10 seconds: You’ll burn gas without even moving and it’s bad for your car.
  8. Drive steadily: Steady driving keeps your car alive longer, improves gas mileage and saves you money on insurance.
  9. Keep your car running properly: A well-inspected car runs more efficiently.
  10. Inflate tires properly: Deflated tires drain gas mileage!
  11. Car alternatives: Find a number of cooperative ways to substitute driving depending on distance and need.
  12. Donate your car: Wheels For Wishes is a charity car donation program. We accept donated vehicles, recycle them, and give the proceeds to your local chapter of Make-A-Wish. Plus, you get a great tax deduction and free towing. Call 1-855-278-9474 or fill out an online donation form today!
Excellent 9.3 out of 10
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